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How to remove urine odours from stains buried deep down my carpet?Updated 5 months ago

👀 Our urine detector can help you find urine stains that have seeped to the carpet underlay or other flooring underlay. These can be hard to trace, especially if it's an old stain or if it's buried deep down your carpet.

🔦 The urineFREE Urine Detector includes a light which is designed to detect the protein in urine. Dried urine stains will fluoresce in a darkened room, making it easy to find the area of the carpet with the urine stain and remove the urine odour.

Follow these steps:

  1. After removal of carpet or other flooring, remove any debris and spray affected areas with urineFREE.
  2. Use the urineFREE Urine Detector to find urine affected areas. Odour removal is the main aim here as new flooring will cover residual staining.
  3. Treat affected areas and allow to dry completely.
  4. Repeat treatment until urine odour is gone.
  5. Allow to dry thoroughly before re-flooring.

🙅‍♀️ If you can’t lift the carpet, you need to bleed the urine to the surface and this takes time, persistence and enough product.  After every treatment remove the sticky residue with a damp cloth. This residue is a by-product of the bio-remediation process.

Read more about removing urine stains from carpets.


🧽 Use urineFREE before shampooing or professionally cleaning your carpet: Shampooing or professional carpet cleaning a urine stain can cause the urine to liquefy and spread 3-4 times its normal size. Worse, if someone walks on a damp shampooed carpet they can also spread the urine all over the house. 

👃 Stains becoming larger and smellier: often stains may become larger, darker and the odour stronger when they rise to the surface – this is common. This is the urine in the sublayers rising to the surface for further treatment and removal. These stains can take two to three treatments with urineFREE and you will see the stains become lighter and smaller upon further treatments until they eventually disappear. The sniff test for urine odour is the best way to double check the urine has gone as even if you can’t see it there may still be urine lingering. This is when you know you have got all the urine. 

⚠️ Previous products: never use cleaners, chemicals or deodorisers to remove urine. These products tend to coat or encapsulate the uric acid crystals (the source of the odours) and make it difficult for urineFREE to penetrate. If you have used these products, try to remove as much of the products as possible with water and a clean cloth. Blot and allow to dry and then apply urineFREE.

🔥 Burn marks: old urine stains that have not been removed or not removed correctly will have greater exposure to the urine and the acidity of the uric acid crystals. Unfortunately in some fabrics, especially wool blends, the uric acid crystals can cause burn marks that look like a stain but have actually discoloured the fabric. Please note this is irreversible. urineFREE will remove the urine and in turn the urine smell but it can not remove burn marks. This is why we encourage removing urine as soon as possible for all surfaces and using only a bio-enzymatic product such as urineFREE will remove the urine for good.

💦 Prevent future stains: we recommend using a non-toxic fabric protector to stain proof all your fabrics, upholstery, carpets and rugs around the house. protectME is a very efficient and safe product, unlike other "mainstream" fabric protectors which are formulated with toxic chemicals. It works on a range of fabrics, from leather to microfibre, suede, wool, silk and more!

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